28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: 29 For our God is a consuming fire. Heb 12:28-29 (KJV)

Without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith gave us grace; grace does not give you faith!

By faith, we war good spiritual warfare. Grace does not fight any battles. Grace is not even a New Testament phenomenon, it is a nature that God had demonstrated before New Testament made it more available. Basis of today’s merchandised Grace is an un-balanced advantageous overplay and overestimation of Apostle Paul’s positions over and above, every other apostle’s and JESUS positions.

There is no hall of fame for those who lived by grace in the Bible. You will however find hall of fame for those who lived by faith in Hebrews chapter 11. Abraham did not please God because he lived by grace, he pleased God by his ACTIONS of faith. Noah did not please God because he lived by grace, he pleased God by his ACTIONS of faith and obedience. JESUS did not go to the cross because he lived by grace, he did so because of his obedience and commitment to the will of God. Grace gives preliminary righteousness to mankind, so they can have a chance to please God. Pleasing God does not come by grace, it comes by FAITH! You do not need to pray to God to help you to please Him. Pleasing God should be your commitment and faith response and action, because he is favorably available to you through grace.

The opposite of grace is not legalism, self-righteousness or pharisaic attitude, as it had become deceptively, popularly postulated. The opposite of grace is “disqualified by God” Whoever taught that anyone not acknowledging merchandised-grace is self-righteous or pharisaic is a deceiver. Grace gives qualification to come before God, lack of grace means disqualified to come before God. God gave mankind grace, so we can have a chance to function to please him and do His will. Grace is not an end in itself; it is an important facilitator for achievement of God’s will here on earth! Merchandized-grace is an enemy and killer of active FAITH!

Every new-testament hero had their works, deeds, & legacies recorded. There is no faith without WORKs (James). Meaning that, faith is a labor, is an action, is a Godly action or Godly deed! The ministry gifts of apostles, pastors, teachers, prophets, and evangelists exist because of WORKS Eph 4:11-12. Jesus said I must work the WORKS of my father, and he said to us, greater WORKS (of faith) than these shall we DO! Paul the apostle of grace, said our WORKS will be tested by fire. Book of Revelation tells us that at the end time, the book of records will be opened and our WORKS shall be checked out. Those who stop us from kingdom works, labeling it anti-grace, are agents of Satan. They cause believers to remain idle and complacent. They wrongly make people to wait for God to do the WORKS that God graced them to do. Kingdom works is not what you do to gain salvation. Kingdom works is Biblical expectations of you AFTER you have been saved by grace. The merchants limit God’s people from doing what they have been brought into the kingdom to DO!

The work of ministry is not the individually-owned commercial ventures that most of today’s ministers have turned ministry into. Work of ministry is a selfless service of helping people and society to really and truly spiritually be endowed and transformed. Work of ministry is not about how money changes hands, it about how souls are saved and lives, with their situations and circumstances, are transformed to the glory of God

By faith, we overcome in this world. Grace helped to overcome sin on your behalf so you can overcome obstacles to proving God’s will in your life by faith, without delimiting demonic accusations. When Heb 6:1-2 talked about elementary beliefs and doctrines of the kingdom, grace was not included, because it is not even an elementary kingdom teaching, nor was it the advanced kingdom demand. Grace was already the enhancement that catalyzed other elements of the Christian faith. Go ye into the world, Great Commission, was not a command to teach grace, but to teach faith, doctrines and COMMANDMENTS (Matthew 28:18-20). Grace makes heaven’s supplies available to us here on earth, so that faith can drive us to fulfill God’s desires. Grace is the gasoline by which every act of faith is realizable and made possible. Grace is not the real-deal for the world today, Bible-faith is!

While Grace is what God did for you and I, Faith is what we ought to do with grace already given to us. Grace does not put the devil under your feet, faith does! Christ is waiting for the Body of Christ to subdue satan under her feet, He is not coming to watch our dancing competitions and celebrations of grace. However, when the son of God returns, he will not be looking for grace from believers he will be looking for faith! Faith gives you access to more grace, let grace activate you to great faith, greater faith and society-transforming accomplishments of faith!

Prayers: "Lord I do not take your grace for granted. Without your first loving me and extending your grace to me, I would not have enough self-righteous works to qualify for you salvation and your Holy presence. Thank you for your grace at work in every facet of my life. I ask you Lord that you help me to be strong in faith, so that your grace in my life, shall not be in vain. Help me to accomplish all that you require of me and to fulfill all your will. In JESUS name I prayed. Amen."

References (2 Cor 15;10, 2 Cor 8:7, 2 Cor 9:8, 2 Tim 2:1, Heb 10:29, Heb 12: 21)

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